Thin face is the goal for most people. It is not easy and you can not exercise "ahead" easily.
The face is made up of many muscles, which not everyone can work out a voluntary basis.
Some general tips: Some general tips:
Follow a diet of slimming that fits your preferences and needs.
Do not include in the diet cookies, pasta or carbohydrates in excess.
Vegetables and fruits is the ideal diet for your face. Especially fresh fruit rich in antioxidants. Especially fresh fruit rich in antioxidants.
Three times a day, on rising, noon and night masa face vigorously with soap and water and then a non-nutritive cream in those parts of the face you want to 'buy down "trying to help their circulation.
Your half hour of exercise daily carry moving muscles of the face.. For example running or jumping move noting that those areas of the face we want to reduce (cheeks, chin ...).
Keep your face clean all day and wet it with cold water to activate the circulation when possible. Dry your face hard trying to activate the circulation as possible.
Drink water, chew slowly and well.
Try to gently massage whenever you can and you remember.
Then last thing is make up your mind to do it.
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